Virtual Sun No. 0028

Technology is now able to reproduce the sunlight spectrum with 98% fidelity. These LED light sources produce light that takes the form of a glowing three- dimensional ball through a Fresnel lens. The lens was invented to parallelize the light beams in lighthouses and has saved countless lives. Today it can be found in most screens.

This work is a long-running series in which I repeat the same work over and over again, and yet change it again and again. Here you can see number 28, in which an eclipse appears for the first time.

The sun rises, sets again, then comes the moon.

The colour film that colours the light in this way is sold under different names by the two major manufacturers Rosco and Lee Filters: Rosco calls it sunrise, Lee Filters calls it sunset.

Whether rising or setting, both processes are based on a beginning and an end; they carry within them the virtual world’s insatiable longing.

Walnut, Electronics, LED, Cable, PSU, Aluminium, Fresnel lens, 250 Half White Diffusion; 120 x 120 x 240 cm; 2024