Solosuite for Extinct birds No.1

Through the speaker, the box plays recordings of the Kaua’i ‘o’o. This bird is an extinct species of birds (last seen in 1985, last heard in 1987). The box has a movement sensor. When it senses someone, it stops playing, thus it is only heard by the patient, lonely visitors, or in the distance when nobody is around. It is understandable that the bird is rather shy after what it experienced.

One of the recordings played by the box is from the last existing Kaua’i ‘o’o – a male – singing a mating call that will stay forever unanswered.

These sounds will never be heard again but through these technological imitations (in the rare cases that recordings do exist).

What do we irretrievably lose? Which role(s) does technology play in mass extinction and changing landscapes?

Alderwood, speaker, cable, electronics; 15 x 16 x 9 cm; 2023